In this modern era the use of internet technology to grasp knowledge and information and by that it is used for political purposes, activism and also to control various aspects of society. Internet technology was a medium just to share information but nowadays it’s more used to share ideas by methods which blogs videos and photos and in all of this creativity is widely utilised by activists, journalists and scholars. One can say in modern era world web wed or internet can shape human thinking.
In the lecture of creative activism I discovered various ways to describe the message or idea by using internet. I also came to know how internet can dominate real world. This mix if culture and creativity in advertising and activism.
By detourment one can mix two content which have different meanings but keeping it together one can exactly convey what it is trying to say.for example like mcdonalds advertisement I am loving it or nike just do it which have deep meaning just buy it. This same methodology is used in activism and politics.
by Internet communications international activists can communicate with each other in real time. Local citizens can run their campaigns online to bring the corrupt government down by describing their message creatively on internet.
nowadays hactivism is also a trending topic for discussion due to wide spread of information on internet and private documents.
hackers can hack army databases and other government databases by internet that can be a threat to society. There is big amount of people who get influenced by internet. Everything is exposed online that create cyber war.
Internet activits can bring big change for instance the “black lives matter” movement which took place on internet had a real impact in society.The content which is by internet is not give in any TV.
I also came through some real examples of creative activism.
In this example we can see how two content is mixed together to give one message.
during lecture I also came up with topic called “situationist”. situationist is who works to change the world. a situationist don’t have any political agenda but they work to change the everyday life and people perception. this type of activist are writers and artist who use maximum creativity to convey the idea which is deep rooted in the peoples mind because they can’t to take this content in a way citizens are attracted to this type pf situationist. they utilize all the mediums of media which is newspapers, comic, drama, exibition , radio. In a way they influenced urban people and still influences. the main characteristic of situationist is that they create the situation by their extraordinary knowledge and creative skills that can bring the change in world. situationist can bring revolution in any field for example fashion.
Electronic Civil Disobedience, 1996