Manifesto is a way of communication or to present ideas by words photos and signs.
a manifesto is to convey a message or to declare something. it is also used for announcements and declaration.
manifesto takes place in political elections, festivals and in art. it is a best way to describe our ideas with the help of creative ideas.
manifesto is a medium to reveal our ideas which have long lasting impact on the society.
manifesto is a word which came from latin word manifest which means to make visible or to reveal. a manifesto reveals one intent to public.
manifesto can be the voice of public it can be revolutionary. manifesto is also to gather the people. by making manifesto one can gather the people which have same intent for instance if someone is giving speech so before that manifesto is made and it is shared to all the people by that one can know the subject the time and where the speech will takes place .some organisation makes manifesto to share the message and ideas which can make a change. manifesto can be a opinion of people , views and concerns. manifesto can be artistic so it can be appealing all the times. it is also used to give the information of any action which will takes place in future. it is oldest way to gather people and support from the people now it is also used in digital media. when activists wants to share their views they make manifesto. it is the voice of people, manifesto also describes what people want actually. it can bring a big change in the society so it is a tool to make a change. in the last lecture we made a manifesto for our university. the subject was stairs that how people in hurry can collide with eachother, to solve this problem we made a manifesto to use left side when going up.
manifesto should be made in no time with creative ideas and tools one can have at the moment.
Manifestos often mark the adoption of a new vision, approach, program, or genre. They criticize a present state of affairs but also announce its passing, proclaiming the advent of a new movement or even of a new era. In this sense, manifestos combine a sometimes violent societal critique with an inaugural and inspirational declaration of change. Although manifestos can claim to speak for the majority, they are often authored by a nonconformist minority and are linked to the idea of an avant-garde that signals or even leads the way to the future.
Among many notable literary and artistic manifestos are Filippo Tommaso Marinetti’s “Futurist Manifesto” (1909); “A Slap in the Face of Public Taste” (1912), by David Davidovich Burlyuk and others; and André Breton’s “Manifesto of Surrealism” (1924). Several manifestos have played an important role in the history of social movements and political ideas. Famous political manifestos include Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels’s The Communist Manifesto (1848) and the “Port Huron Statement” (1962) of the Students for a Democratic Society.