Mon. Feb 17th, 2025

    Framing Activism
    Any issues that are framed by politicians is to fulfil their needs to get something done . The news and big media houses also have a bias opinion attracting the people they want for their benefits furthermore by digital activism and social movements and governments the news also changes due to the perspective of people on issues also changes. By framing a issues only by twisting some facts or words can create big problems also sometimes media don’t tell the whole issue they just highlight some points.
    Framing activism is what how a activist frame their issues.
    By social media and various other website people are being manipulated and the power of digital activism is miss-used. So this all parts of digital framing should be kept in mind not only the positive aspects to overcome this issue and have the real impact on the society as a digital activist.

    Hactivism and civil disobedience
    Hacking is a trend in this world of technology every data is on internet that is confidential.
    Many hactivism hacks the army data to get what they want. Many hactivist hack the bank accounts of multi millionaire and banks also.
    Nowadays there are millions of cases of hacking. The internet can be used by terrorists to finance their operations, train other terrorists, and plan terror attacks. The more mainstream idea of cyber terrorism is the hacking of government or private servers to access sensitive information or even siphon funds for use in terror activities. Harassing and pressuring the big families by hacking their personal data for money. When we think of hacktivism phenomenon immediately we connect it to the anonymity, in fact, those who for various reasons wish to express their dissent more often prefer the use of anonymity. It’s clear that the ultimate context in which these people can freely exchange ideas and information is the DeepWeb.
    These hacktivists are one of the most active current users of the Dark Web, many consider these professionals as the equivalent of today’s Carbonari motions. Hacktivists are interested to Deep Web not only because they need secure communication platform but also because they are also active in this cyber space. We must distinguish two different participative approaches to the Dark Web, hacktivist in fact could surf in the hidden space for information gathering purpose, the “passive mode”, and also in “active mode” conducing cyber operation similar to ones promoted in the ordinary web. The #OPDarknet has revealed in the end of 2011 over 1500 accounts from trading website for pedophiles hosted in the deep web. In that occasion Anonymous published as usually a communicate on Pastebin explains that their campaign manifested upon finding a Hidden Wiki listing called “Hard Candy” that they say “was dedicated to links to child pornography” for instance dark web is used by Russian mafia and with the help of cryptocurrency they can do everything. The russian mafia use darkweb to sale drugs, prostitution, weapons.

    Framing Activism

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