We are immensely blessed to be born as Hindus & in Bharat. For, we are decedents of Rishis, who were so pious that Vedas-Mantras were revealed to them by Bhagawan.
Furthermore, we are specially blessed to have Gurus in the lineage of HH Param Pujya Swami Sri Dayanandaji – who was embodiment of Daya (Compassion) & Ananda (Fullness). He was ‘Yug Purusha’ as a Teacher.
The divine soul-Guruji was born on 15th August. Incidentally country is celebrating Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav”- to be concluded on 15th August- our Independence Day.
Param Pujya Sri Swamiji had given आज्ञा- that we should build Ashram at Vadodara. The land was purchased which was blessed by His divine presence. For one or other reasons, it got delayed.
Finally we have planned *“भूमिपूजन” * on 15th August, 2022. We hope with His Sankalpa & Grace of Lord Someshwara, *Arsha Vidya Mandir, Vadodara * will become a light house guiding/ directing seekers to Moksha & an Institution to propagate Hindu Dharma/ Hindu Culture.
Param Pujya Swamiji HH Sri Paramatmanandaji – Pujya Swamiji’s foremost and able disciple *HH Pujya Swamini Dhanyanandaji * will lead the institution.